Mist NFT — Weekly Recap #1

Mist NFT
3 min readSep 20, 2021

Hello Mist community. In this article we will describe the new “Weekly Recap” series, and we will give our first weekly recap (read below).

What is the Mist Weekly Recap?

We are excited to bring this new series to life, as we think it will give the community a little more insight into the work the team is doing behind the scenes. The team is still deciding whether this will be a weekly, or bi-weekly series.

Most of the work the team is focused on now revolves around code, code, and more code. Not every week we have “Sexy” or “Interesting” updates, as most of the work we focus on is tedious (but important) code-focused tasks, such as blockchain connectivity, in-game systems, or others. And most of that stuff we won’t share anyway for obvious reasons. These systems are the main focus of any serious dev team, but unfortunately not exciting pieces to share each week.

With that said, we will do our best to share enough recap points each week to keep everyone up-to-date with what the team has been working on, by sharing a few highlights each week.

Note that continuous work such as environment design, spell optimization, blockchain systems, etc. are constantly being worked on so they may not be mentioned too often. We will focus on the most interesting (but not necessarily the most important) developments each week. And there will probably be things that we are working on that we want to keep secret, for the sake of timing, security, or other reasons.

This Past Week in Mist

  • Mist has been listed on STEAM, allowing for multiple improvements to our technical and social systems. Benefits include improved ease of downloading the client, higher accessibility, increased legitimacy, and smoother patches and upgrades in the future.
  • This was a large milestone that was originally aimed for early September 2021. The 1 week delay was largely due to the COVID slowdown of Steam approval process. Nevertheless, we are happy with the end result.
  • Add Mist to your STEAM Wishlist here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1752700/Mist/
  • Mist was added for trading on Gate.io, a top-10 centralized exchange. This will open up Mist to a larger audience, and will allow traders on the CEX to buy, sell, and trade Mist.
  • Final touches are being added to the Mist marketplace, Browser version. More info on the exact release date, but we are aiming very soon. This browser-version brings with it a LOT of upgrades, updates, and more. Not only does the UI look much better (and has a ton of updates and features), but the ease of access for mass trading will be much better. Browser marketplace = more potential trades. It’s that simple.
  • Along with some technical improvements to the marketplace, along with a ton of functionality, we have removed the up-front listing fee after receiving community feedback. The auction house fee will be implemented after a sale concludes, meaning no upfront cost.
  • Browser Marketplace should be live this week, upon completion of testing.

Marketplace Development Update Pics

The marketplace development has been in the works for the past few weeks, and will be live later this week. More info to come!

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